Girl standing with Tiger mascot
Tiger Troop

This “Members Only” minor savings account teaches children to begin a savings plan at an early age. Sign up today and your Trooper can enjoy a variety of educational and recreational activities. Members and their parents can pick and choose which events to attend and participate in. Nothing is mandatory. Tiger Troopers are issued a special passbook and enjoy a preferred customer status. Members can enjoy the special “friendship” of Club Mascot, Terry the Tiger. A quarterly newsletter is sent to all Tiger Troopers.
- This club is available to any child up to 12 years of age. He/she must have a new or existing minor savings account at the Bank.
- There are no minimum balance requirements as the account operates the same as a Minor Savings account.
- Six transfers per month are allowed.
Money Talks to Teens & Families
Tiger Troop is a club for kids up to 12 years old. Tiger Troop is designed to teach children about saving money; to introduce them to the banking process; and to involve them in a variety of fun and educational activities. Children can become members of the club by simply opening a new savings account at the Bank or by transferring an existing savings account to the Tiger Troop club.
Members of Tiger Troop enjoy:
- Recreational Activities— Tiger Troopers enjoy a wide range of fun-filled activities.
- Educational Activities—Membership is fun, but also educational.
- Personal Service—Tiger Troopers receive a personal savings account register, membership card, and T-shirt upon opening their account. A newsletter, deposit incentives, and surprises help keep kids interested in adding to their savings accounts!

Kids of all ages love our Club Mascot, Terry the Tiger. Don’t be surprised to run into Terry at the Bank…he’s liable to show up just about anywhere!